Know Your Promotion & Tenure Rights!
- When am I eligible for promotion/tenure?
- How should I organize materials?
- Which materials are required in the dossier?
- When should I begin my dossier?
- Who do I contact if I need help submitting my dossier?
General Guidelines
Promotion & tenure (P&T) is consistently ranked as university faculty members’ most stress-inducing issue. The CBA outlines the materials and the structure required in the P&T dossier. The requirements noted in the CBA are the basic/foundational requirements. Individual departmental guidelines are available here.
UNF faculty should know that, historically, the university has tried very hard to support junior faculty members so they are well prepared when ready to apply for promotion and tenure. Tenure-earning faculty often receive ample feedback about their progress toward P&T during their time at UNF. For instance, tenure-earning faculty must receive a Progress Toward Tenure Report each year from their chair. The third year review should also point out any and all areas that faculty need to address if they are to find success in being promoted.
Yet, outside of annual reviews, non-tenure earning faculty do not typically receive feedback about their progress toward promotion. The CBA articles for Instructor/Lecturer and Library faculty promotion, fellow NTT colleagues who have been promoted, and annual evaluations tend to be the primary sources for guidance when compiling a dossier.