February 2023 Faculty Association Statement from UFF-UNF

February 2023 Faculty Association Statement from UFF-UNF

February 2023 Faculty Association Statement from UFF-UNF

Elizabeth Brown, President, UFF-UNF

Good afternoon. Since we last met, a lot has happened. Universities have been inundated with additional data requests related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and gender dysphoria. In a press conference, the state explicitly stated that they are seeking this information to curb DEI-related efforts at universities. In addition, the state college presidents (not to be confused with the state university presidents) signed a letter that the state described as “rejecting ‘woke’ diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), critical race theory ideologies and embrace academic freedom.” In a press conference this week, the state revealed an initiative to prohibit DEI-related programs at universities, allow for “boards of trustees at universities to do a post-tenure review at any time,” and “allow presidents to make hiring decisions by ‘reestablishing their authority over’ the process.” Lastly, our academic kin, faculty, staff, and students at the New College of Florida are severely negatively impacted by the most recent decision to replace their president with a former House Speaker and Department of Education Commissioner, Richard Corcoran, and by the current calls from their brand new board members to terminate faculty. Additionally, the state has previewed many bills to stifle academic freedom and eliminate faculty’s rights to organize and bargain. One such bill is the teacher’s bill of rights, requiring a union membership density of at least 60%. For reference, UFF-UNF is currently at approximately 53%. As you can see, there has been a consistent pattern of the state proposing and/or passing legislation or creating regulations to allow the state to stifle speech that it disagrees with. 

Although higher education is not a monolith of support for DEI-related initiatives, many students, faculty, and staff value, support, and need these initiatives. My research finds that when we create inclusive cultures, people experience belonging regardless of what groups they are a member of. Furthermore, this sense of belonging facilitates academic motivation. In other words, DEI-related cultures help everyone. Irrespective of whether you value DEI initiatives, DEI represents an area of inquiry just like any other. If you institutionally curb or ban DEI initiatives, it is only a matter of time before another area of inquiry will be identified as the next frontier. If we let this continue and think it doesn’t affect us, no area of inquiry will be safe. 

Other legislative initiatives not specifically targeting higher education will no doubt affect our campus. UFF will continue communicating those as they become known during the legislative session. Right now, one such legislative priority is that the state plans to pass a concealed carry without a license law, so guns are allowed everywhere, including college and university campuses.  

UFF and all its chapters, including UFF-UNF, are hard at work tackling these multiple attacks on the higher education system, but we cannot do this alone. It has never been more critical for every in–unit faculty member to be a member of our union. Talk to your colleagues today, and ask them to join UFF. All are welcome and needed if we are to face this historical moment head-on. Contact your chapter leaders, and ask them how you can join local and statewide efforts to stop this divisive agenda. Many outside of Florida think this is only happening in Florida, and Floridians are to blame. However, many states are copying Florida. This is not just a Florida thing; as evidenced by the Manhattan Institute’s guidance to eliminate DEI efforts at universities, this is a national movement. We need to work together to protect our educational system. As we head into the upcoming legislative session, these weekly attacks will continue and escalate. Please stay tuned to the state’s announcements and inform your representatives about what you think about the proposed bills.

In other news, the UFF-UNF bargaining team continues preparing for reopeners. According to the contract, each side (which consists of the UFF-UNF and the Board of Trustees teams) reopens article 30, which is salary, and two additional articles in the second and third year of the agreement. The initial reopener sessions are to be held by March. We will send a survey to the faculty in the coming weeks to better understand faculty priorities for this round of negotiations. UFF-UNF looks forward to working with the BOT team on salary and the other selected articles. 

Despite the tumultuous times, UFF-UNF members will not be left to weather the storms alone. Please reach out if you need us.